Karlos Finley of Moore& Wolfe recently attended the Mock Constitution Convention sponsored by the Alabama Citizens For Constitutional Reform Foundation (ACCR) at the Marriott Legends Conference Center in Prattville, Alabama. The Honorable Albert Brewer and The Honorable Gorman Houston served as Convention Deans. Karlos served as a delegate for House District 97. 105 citizens representing each of Alabama’s House Districts convened to discuss drafting a new State Constitution that would replace the current one which was drafted and ratified at the Constitution Convention of 1901. The issues that got the most attention were the state’s tax structure (Property v. Sales), home rule, education funding, racist language contained within the current constitution, and the cost of amending the current constitution close to 800 times. State Representative Demetrius Newton spoke to the group about the proposed House Resolution (HJR-91) that is before the legislature now. It would allow the citizens of Alabama to vote on allowing a Constitutional Convention to be held in order to replace the 1901 document. "A Constitutional Convention is our best chance to adequately address all of the issues that our current constitution has.", expressed Mr. Newton. The documentary "It’s a Thick Book", was shown and given a standing ovation. It is available for viewing, along with Alabama’s 1901 Constitution at the ACCR website,
http://www.constitutionalreform.org./ The group will meet again in the State’s Capital on April 25-26, 2009 for a second session to build on the work of this session. The Delegates will unveil the final product of the Mock Convention on August 27, 2009.
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